Mr. Ludovick Utouh Board Chairman Biography
Ms. Mariam S. Mgaya TEITI Executive Secretary Biography
March 01, 2023 - June 15, 2023
11:30:am - 09:15:am
March 01, 2023 - March 01, 2024
10:05:am - 10:05:am
Tanzania Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (TEITI) is the Tanzania Chapter of the global Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) that set standards of transparency and accountability in Extractive Industry (EI). Extractive Industry (EI) companies are those companies engaging in the extraction of minerals, oil and gas. Why TEITI TEITI is needed to enhance transparency and accountability of payments made by companies and revenues received by the government from the oil, gas and mining sectors. Furthermore TEITI is there to increase public awareness by publishing the payments and the revenues accrued from EI..
Usajili wa Ulinzi wa Taarifa za Taasisi - Data Processor
Usajili wa Ulinzi wa Taarifa za Taasisi - Data Controller
Exports Data For TEITI by 2022-2023
Final TEITI Reconciliation Report 2019-2020
Licences Cancelled 2022-2023